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Beginners and Improvers Ashtanga Vinyasa

Early Morning Hatha Yoga and Pranayama

Earth Arise Yoga

Me in Jumper Shrewsbury FF.jpeg

About Me

My name is Helen Lord. I started on my Yoga journey in 1998 after the birth of my second child. 

I obtained my British Wheel of Yoga Diploma in November 2006.


In August 2017, I obtained my 200 hour Teacher Training Diploma in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. 


Since then, I have completed short courses of study with The Minded Institute in London, covering such topics as anxiety, depression, Yoga Nidra for mental health and Yoga Therapy training in Pranayama. 


Recently, I have become interested in the healing aspects of Mantra and Kirtan and am developing this currently by offering workshops online.

Yoga Pharmacy

Monday 2nd January 2022


Above the Clouds

Nadi Shodhana
(Alternate Nostril Breathing)

So here we are right at the beginning of 2022

A time for reflection on the previous year and a time for New Beginnings.

Time to release the old- those things that haven't served you well.

Focus on what needs to be released, thank it for its past usefulness.... and let it go.

Welcome in the New.

Sit in silence and experience the stillness of winter.

Take stock of where you are, physically, mentally and spiritually.

Light a candle for something you wish for as the New Year begins.

Meditate on the returning light, as the days start to get longer and the nights shorter. 

Sit comfortably with a straight spine. Relax your shoulders. Gently close your eyes.

PLace the index and middle fingers of your right hand between the eyebrows, connecting with Ajna Chakra Centre. 

With your right hand thumb, close the right nostril and breathe in slowly and fully through the left nostril. 

Release the thumb and use the ring finger to close off the left nostril. Exhale slowly and fully through the right nostril. Inhale through the right nostril, then release the ring finger, close the right nostril with the thumb  and exhale through the left nostril. 

(One round). Continue for a minimum of 10 rounds. 

This practice helps to balance the energies on both sides of the body and restore harmony to the nervous system.


Clifftop Yoga

Yoga Asana

Image by Wesley Tingey

Virabhadrasana 2: Warrior Pose

Meet the challenges of the New Year with strength and a feeling of being grounded.

Step the feet wide. Turn the right foot out 90 degrees and turn the left foot slightly in at 15 degrees. 

Square the hips to the front and tuck the tailbone under, floating the chest and spine upward and facing forward. 

Raise the arms out to shoulder height, extend through the fingers.

As you exhale, bend the left knee so that the left thigh is parallel to the floor. Turn your head to gaze on the tip of the right middle finger. Take five full breaths, pressing strongly into the outer edge of the left back foot. 

After five breaths, repeat on the opposite side. 

Feel strong and grounded in the present moment, while turning to face whatever the future holds. 

yoga pose
Apple Orchard

Song of the Apple Tree

Come rest awhile, enjoy my shade

On this Solstice day

The Sun has reached its zenith

And there it seems to stay.

But return it must to winter ways

and night will longer grow

But for today let's celebrate

The summer's warming glow.

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